Old Man Logan

The best Lego Old Man Logan to buy

Write By:Brickfunny    

Old man Logan is a custom LEGO model and MOC design based on the character Old man Logan from X-Men. Logan is a classic superhero in Marvel Comics, usually known as Wolverine, but in the “Old Man and War” series of stories, his character is set to be older and more tired, hence the name […]

Scarlet Spider

Best Lego Scarlet Spider Minifigure

Write By:Brickfunny    

Scarlet Spider is a clone of Spider-Man and was originally a villain. Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider has the most stable genes among all clones. He has a strong sense of morality, is kind and upright, and always sticks to justice despite all the hardships he has experienced. After knowing that he is a clone, he […]

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